what is one life if you don´t have peace and happiness
I read today from my BUDDHISM DAY BY DAY; WISDOM For Modern Life.
Oh, by the way, I am a .pratiscing BUDDHIST..................................................................................
Nichiren explains that to know oneself is to know all things in the universe. when you change your environment changes everything is transformed. This principle is summed up by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe's´maxim, "Nothing´s outside that´s not within.
We always question ourselves what is happiness.

my family friends and neighbors.
Chicago with friends and family on our three year anniversary.
Restaurant: Basil Leaf: where we had our wedding lunch.
What an amazing story my Princess, I am so proud of you and I love you so much !!! Keep on writing your blog !!! Cant wait to read more oy your story !!! and your new adventures....